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Hello! My name is Nicole Janse Van Rensburg and I am a Certified Sleep Consultant. When I had my first child, I had no idea the things I was doing to soothe my baby to sleep were teaching him how to get to sleep. So, when it was time for him to sleep for longer periods, he was still depending on me to do all of those things to get him to sleep. But, suddenly those things weren't working as well and if I laid him down, he would wake right back up again and the process would start all over. I just wish I knew that small steps in the beginning could have changed everything. BUT, After struggling with sleep with my first and then giving birth to another little boy, I couldn't live like that anymore. I hit the end of my rope, and that's when I decided to do something about it. I love to research, so I hit the internet!

The problem with researching infant sleep using google, is that you end up finding 500 different and conflicting views on the practice of sleep training and all things baby sleep. The issue with that is... well exactly what you think the issue with that is, no one knows what to do so they try them all. First you decide to cry it out because everyone says you should... but after a night of all that crying you can't handle it anymore. So you move onto a different, more gentle approach because everyone says you should never let your child cry it out and so on and so on. This goes on for a while until you realize it's just your kids and there's nothing you can do about it.

This problem is causing parents to give up on sleep training and they begin saying none of those methods work for their child. I am here to tell you that sleep training CAN work for you. The easy part is deciding what works for you and your family. Think about it, what do you want? Sleep? Ok, that's easy enough. The next step is deciding to do what it takes to get there,  and getting there with the least amount of upset for your family. 

That's where I come in! Sometimes the smallest things will hold your child back from sleeping through the night. I have so many of my clients tell me they just want reassurance that they are doing it right. Yes, mamma does know best, but sometimes mamma needs some expertise. 

So, if you and your family is ready to get some sleep, then let's chat. Email me any time at and follow me on instagram @thetiredbaby.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13.


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